Newborn Feeding Support
We like all infants to be happily fed!
For families that choose breasfeeding, here are some links to some online resources, or we can refer you to a lactation profession. for complex breastfeeding concerns.
Here is a link to American Academy of Pediatric breastfeeding support resources.
And here are some resources from the American Academy of Pediatrics on formula feeding.

The following are trusted sites for information on child health and development issues:
American Academy of Pediatrics (Parent site)
Healthy Children – gold standard pediatric resources for parents
Screens, Social Media and Kids
AAP Media Resources for Parents
Common Sense Media offers age-based recommendations and reviews for TV, movies, apps, video games and books.
Alaska Community Resources
Alaska 211
Your information clearing house for all Alaska community resources. Free and confidential. Check out the website or just dial “211.”
Thread Alaska – Find childcare in Alaska
Help Me Grow AK – support in locating providers for developmental, emotional and behavioral diagnoses and treatment in Alaska
Mood Support
Suicide and Crisis Line-988
Dial “988” or visit the website for 24/7 free, confidential support for those in distress and their loved ones. – information, help and text line for postpartum depression
Providence Family Support Counseling – treatment of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders
ADHD affects more than just school. Explore these sites for information on the neurologic, behavioral, social and other aspects of ADHD and related conditions.
Learning Differences
Healthy Children Learning Disability Information
Dyslexia in the Anchorage School District